Visiting Caen, France and a Tour to the Shores of Normandy
Bruges, Belgium Travel Photography
The courtyard of our BNB in Bruges.We happened to be there for the annual Holy Blood Festival. Where relic blood of Jesus is paraded through the streets, a tradition that has taken place since 1303 AD.The richest house in Bruges. In typical medieval style Next stop,...
Travel Photos from Ghent, Belgium
We only had a few hours to explore Ghent, a train stop between Antwerp and Bruges. However this town would be better explored over a period of a few days. Next stop, Bruges, Belgium...
Antwerp Belgium, May 2016
... previous Amsterdam Antwerp, Belgium Next, Ghent Belgium...
Amsterdam, May 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016: Flight from Chicago ORD to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Gabriel's flight was delayed so I ended up flying alone with an empty seat to my right. I arrived in Amsterdam several hours prior to Gabe, the next day. I found our Air BNB rental and did...